Getting Started
This is a very basic guide on getting started with Tech Reborn.
Acquiring Rubber
To get started with Tech Reborn you want to craft yourself a Treetap. Once you have acquired one you can begin to look for a Rubber Tree
They are distinctive as they have a spike of leaves at the top. They usually spawn in clumps. This is an example of what the rubber trees will look like in the world.
Once you have found a tree, you need to look for Sap spots on it.
Sap will regenerate over time. When you have found a
Sap spot you will want to use your Use Item button (typically right click) on it with the
Treetap. This will extract the
Sap and place it in your inventory. Sap can be smelted into Rubber
, which is used to produce insulated Cables
Refining Iron
Smelting an Iron Ingot in any furnace will give you a
Refined Iron Ingot, which are used in many of the recipes for machines and their component parts. You'll need a few of these to create your first parts and first machines.
First Machines
As a starting point you will want to make a generator of some kind. This can be from another mod, or you can make a TechReborn
Generator. The generator uses a solid fuel type to generate a small amount of power. You will also need to craft some cables to transfer the power between blocks.
Please note that if you're using generators from other mods then this can affect balance in gameplay. Some generators might use other energy types which may be over or under powered.
The first machines you might want to look into building are the Electric Furnace and the
Grinder. If you place these next to the
Generator you won't even have to worry about power distribution at first because the
Generator automatically powers blocks which are directly next to it.
The Electric Furnace will allow you to smelt much more items using the same amount of resources. For example: 1 piece of coal will smelt 8 iron ore blocks in a regular furnace, 10 iron ore blocks in an iron furnace and 49 iron ore blocks in an
Electric Furnace powered by a
The Grinder allows you to grind ores into
Dusts, which you can then smelt back into
Ingots. One ore block creates two dusts, each of which can be smelted back into an ingot - this effectively doubles the number of ingots you can acquire from each ore.
Advanced Automation
All of the machines can be configured to accept or output items to any side. This can be done by clicking on the “Configure slots” button in the gui of any machine. When this button is clicked all the slots that can be configured will be displayed in red. When you click on the slot you wish to configure you will be greeted with a popup GUI that allows you to change a wide range of things for that slot.
I have made a YouTube video going over the basics of the system.
This system should allow you to do some complex automation with pipes from other mods and hoppers from vanilla.
The system also have auto input and output, when enabled the machine will try and move the items around to neighbouring inventories.
Input slots have a setting to filter the input, this setting means that the slot will only accept items that have a valid recipe. This is really useful as it allows you to use one chest for input and output in some cases.
This page is still being written, more content will come soon.