Industrial Grinder

Industrial Grinder

The Industrial Grinder is a multi-block machine that allows better grinding of items. It is a medium tier machine with 40000FE internal energy buffer and 256FE input. Also it has internal tank for 16 buckets which store fluid used to grind ore.


The Industrial Grinder multi-block has 3 layers. The first layer consists of 9x Standard Machine CasingStandard Machine Casing

The second layer consists of 8x Advanced Machine CasingAdvanced Machine Casing will central hole filled with water.

The third layer again contains 9x Standard Machine CasingStandard Machine Casing

Attach the Industrial Grinder to the middle layer centre and connect it to a power source.

Industrial Grinder has the following elements on machine GUI: <WRAP group> <WRAP half column> columns </WRAP> <WRAP half column>

  1. Four slots for upgrades
  2. Energy indicator. Click on it to switch energy display between EU and FE
  3. Input slot for cells. Put here filled cell with proper fluid to drain this cell into internal tank or empty cell to drain fluid out of tank. Industrial Grinder will try to drain cell two times per second.
  4. Output slot for cell. Industrial Grinder will put here drained cells.
  5. Internal tank. Tooltip will provide more info about amount and type of stored fluid
  6. Input slot for ore
  7. Four output slots to output results of grinding
  8. Hologram button
  9. JEI button to show Industrial Grinder recipes in JEI


Ancient DebrisAncient Debris + Mercury CellMercury Cell → 3xNetherite ScrapNetherite Scrap + 3xGold NuggetGold Nugget
8xNetherrackNetherrack + Mercury CellMercury Cell → 8xNetherrack DustNetherrack Dust + Gold NuggetGold Nugget
Iron OreIron Ore + Water CellWater Cell→ 2xIron DustIron Dust + Small Pile Of Tin DustSmall Pile Of Tin Dust + Nickel DustNickel Dust
Sheldonite OreSheldonite Ore + Water CellWater Cell→ 2xPlatinum DustPlatinum Dust + Nickel DustNickel Dust + 2xIridium NuggetIridium Nugget
Sheldonite OreSheldonite Ore + Mercury CellMercury Cell→ 3xPlatinum DustPlatinum Dust + Nickel DustNickel Dust + 2xIridium NuggetIridium Nugget
Tungsten OreTungsten Ore + Water CellWater Cell→ 2xTungsten DustTungsten Dust + 3xSmall Pile Of Iron DustSmall Pile Of Iron Dust + 3xSmall Pile Of Manganese DustSmall Pile Of Manganese Dust
Iridium OreIridium Ore + Mercury CellMercury CellIridium IngotIridium Ingot + Platinum DustPlatinum Dust
Copper OreCopper Ore + Water CellWater Cell → 2xCopper DustCopper Dust + Small Pile Of Gold DustSmall Pile Of Gold Dust + Small Pile Of Nickel DustSmall Pile Of Nickel Dust
Copper OreCopper Ore + Sodiumpersulfate CellSodiumpersulfate Cell → 3xCopper DustCopper Dust + Small Pile Of Gold DustSmall Pile Of Gold Dust + Small Pile Of Nickel DustSmall Pile Of Nickel Dust
Copper OreCopper Ore + Mercury CellMercury Cell → 3xRaw CopperRaw Copper + 3xGold NuggetGold Nugget
Tin OreTin Ore + Water CellWater Cell → 2xTin DustTin Dust + Small Pile Of Iron DustSmall Pile Of Iron Dust + Small Pile Of Zinc DustSmall Pile Of Zinc Dust
Tin OreTin Ore + Sodiumpersulfate CellSodiumpersulfate Cell → 2xTin DustTin Dust + Small Pile Of Iron DustSmall Pile Of Iron Dust + Zinc DustZinc Dust
Gold OreGold Ore + Sodiumpersulfate CellSodiumpersulfate Cell → 2xGold DustGold Dust + Copper DustCopper Dust + Small Pile Of Nickel DustSmall Pile Of Nickel Dust
Gold OreGold Ore + Mercury CellMercury Cell → 3xRaw GoldRaw Gold + 3xCopper NuggetCopper Nugget + 3xNickel NuggetNickel Nugget
Galena OreGalena Ore + Water CellWater Cell → 2xGalena DustGalena Dust + Sulfur DustSulfur Dust
Galena OreGalena Ore + Mercury CellMercury Cell → 2xGalena DustGalena Dust + Sulfur DustSulfur Dust + Raw SilverRaw Silver
Sphalerite OreSphalerite Ore + Water CellWater Cell → 5xSphalerite DustSphalerite Dust + Small Pile Of Yellow Garnet DustSmall Pile Of Yellow Garnet Dust + Zinc DustZinc Dust
Sphalerite OreSphalerite Ore + Sodiumpersulfate CellSodiumpersulfate Cell → 5xSphalerite DustSphalerite Dust + Small Pile Of Yellow Garnet DustSmall Pile Of Yellow Garnet Dust + Zinc DustZinc Dust
Bauxite OreBauxite Ore + Water CellWater Cell → 2xBauxite DustBauxite Dust + Aluminium DustAluminium Dust
Sodalite OreSodalite Ore + Water CellWater Cell → 12xSodalite DustSodalite Dust + 3xAluminium DustAluminium Dust
Pyrite OrePyrite Ore + Water CellWater Cell → 5xPyrite DustPyrite Dust + 2xSulfur DustSulfur Dust
Ruby OreRuby Ore + Water CellWater CellRubyRuby + 6xSmall Pile Of Ruby DustSmall Pile Of Ruby Dust + 2xSmall Pile Of Red Garnet DustSmall Pile Of Red Garnet Dust
Sapphire OreSapphire Ore + Water CellWater CellSapphireSapphire + 6xSmall Pile Of Sapphire DustSmall Pile Of Sapphire Dust + 2xSmall Pile Of PeridotSmall Pile Of Peridot
Diamond OreDiamond Ore + Mercury CellMercury Cell → 2xDiamondDiamond + 3xSmall Pile Of Diamond DustSmall Pile Of Diamond Dust
Emerald OreEmerald Ore + Mercury CellMercury Cell → 2xEmeraldEmerald + 3xSmall Pile Of Emerald DustSmall Pile Of Emerald Dust
Lapis Lazuli OreLapis Lazuli Ore + Water CellWater Cell → 12xLapis LazuliLapis Lazuli + 3xLazurite DustLazurite Dust
Copper IngotCopper Ingot + Mercury CellMercury CellRaw CopperRaw Copper
Gold IngotGold Ingot + Mercury CellMercury CellRaw GoldRaw Gold
Iron IngotIron Ingot + Mercury CellMercury CellRaw IronRaw Iron
Iridium IngotIridium Ingot + Mercury CellMercury CellRaw IridiumRaw Iridium
Lead IngotLead Ingot + Mercury CellMercury CellRaw LeadRaw Lead
Silver IngotSilver Ingot + Mercury CellMercury CellRaw SilverRaw Silver
Tin IngotTin Ingot + Mercury CellMercury CellRaw TinRaw Tin
Tungsten IngotTungsten Ingot + Mercury CellMercury CellRaw TungstenRaw Tungsten

  • Last modified: 2023/06/05 13:58
  • by neoraven