Insulated Copper Cable


Cables transfer energy across blocks. For an explanation of how cables interact with power, read general information about energy.

Name Tier Input & Output Rate (Energy per Tick)1) Buffer (Energy)2)
Tin CableTin Cable Low 32 128
Copper CableCopper Cable and Insulated Copper CableInsulated Copper Cable Medium 128 512
Gold CableGold Cable and Insulated  Gold CableInsulated Gold Cable High 512 2K
HV CableHV Cable and Insulated HV CableInsulated HV Cable Extreme 2K 8.1K
GlassFiber CableGlassFiber Cable Insane 8.1K 32.7K
Superconductor CableSuperconductor Cable Infinite 5.36M3) 2.1G

Usage Notes

1) , 2)
Rounded Down
There is currently a bug limiting this to 8,192. (Minecraft 1.16.5 | Tech Reborn 3.8.4 Build 236)