Silicon Cell

Silicon Cell

The Silicon Cell is a fluid cell added by Tech Reborn. It is used to create Silicon PlateSilicon Plate.

Blast FurnaceBlast Furnace recipe:
2x Quartz DustQuartz Dust + 4xCarbon CellCarbon Cell → 2xSilicon CellSilicon Cell + 2xCompressed Air CellCompressed Air Cell

Industrial CentrifugeIndustrial Centrifuge recipe:
32xRedstoneRedstone + 13xEmpty CellEmpty Cell→ 3x Silicon CellSilicon Cell + 16x Pyrite DustPyrite Dust + 3x Ruby DustRuby Dust + 10x Mercury CellMercury Cell

Industrial ElectrolyzerIndustrial Electrolyzer recipe:
20xAlmandine DustAlmandine Dust + 9xEmpty CellEmpty Cell → 3xIron DustIron Dust + 2xAluminum DustAluminum Dust + 3xSilicon CellSilicon Cell + 6xCompressed Air CellCompressed Air Cell

20xAndradite DustAndradite Dust + 12xEmpty CellEmpty Cell → 3xCalcium CellCalcium Cell + 2xIron DustIron Dust + 3xSilicon CellSilicon Cell + 6xCompressed Air CellCompressed Air Cell

8xClay DustClay Dust + 5xEmpty CellEmpty CellLithium CellLithium Cell + 2xSilicon CellSilicon Cell + 2xAluminium DustAluminium Dust + 2xSodium CellSodium Cell

29xEmerald DustEmerald Dust + 16xEmpty CellEmpty Cell → 2xAluminum DustAluminum Dust + 3xBeryllium CellBeryllium Cell + 6xSilicon CellSilicon Cell + 9xCompressed Air CellCompressed Air Cell

8xFlint DustFlint Dust + 2xEmpty CellEmpty CellSilicon CellSilicon Cell + Compressed Air CellCompressed Air Cell

20xGrossular DustGrossular Dust + 12xEmpty CellEmpty Cell → 3xCalcium CellCalcium Cell + 2xAluminum DustAluminum Dust + 3xSilicon CellSilicon Cell + 6xCompressed Air CellCompressed Air Cell

29xLazurite DustLazurite Dust + 10xEmpty CellEmpty Cell → 3xAluminum DustAluminum Dust + 3xSilicon CellSilicon Cell + 2xCalcium CellCalcium Cell + 4xSodium CellSodium Cell

4xObsidian DustObsidian Dust + 3xEmpty CellEmpty Cell → 2xSmall Pile Of Magnesium DustSmall Pile Of Magnesium Dust + 2xSmall Pile Of Iron DustSmall Pile Of Iron Dust + Silicon CellSilicon Cell + 2xCompressed Air CellCompressed Air Cell

9xPeridot DustPeridot Dust + 3xEmpty CellEmpty Cell → 2xMagnesium DustMagnesium Dust + 2xIron DustIron Dust + Silicon CellSilicon Cell + 2xCompressed Air CellCompressed Air Cell

20xPyrope DustPyrope Dust + 9xEmpty CellEmpty Cell → 3xMagnesium DustMagnesium Dust + 2xAluminum DustAluminum Dust + 3xSilicon CellSilicon Cell + 6xCompressed Air CellCompressed Air Cell

16xSandSand + 2xEmpty CellEmpty CellSilicon CellSilicon Cell + Compressed Air CellCompressed Air Cell

23xSodalite DustSodalite Dust + 8xEmpty CellEmpty Cell → 4xSodium CellSodium Cell + 3xAluminum DustAluminum Dust + 3xSilicon CellSilicon Cell + Chlorite CellChlorite Cell

20xSpessartine DustSpessartine Dust + 9xEmpty CellEmpty Cell → 2xAluminum DustAluminum Dust + 3xManganese DustManganese Dust + 3xSilicon CellSilicon Cell + 6xCompressed Air CellCompressed Air Cell

20xUvarovite DustUvarovite Dust + 12xEmpty CellEmpty Cell → 3xCalcium CellCalcium Cell + 2xChrome DustChrome Dust + 3xSilicon CellSilicon Cell + 6xCompressed Air CellCompressed Air Cell

  • Updated for 1.16 version