====== LibCD support ======
TechReborn has built in support for [[https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/libcd|libcd]] alloing the adding of new recipes. Thanks B0undarybreaker for contributing the support.
===== Alloy Smelter =====
Add an alloy smelter recipe that takes 8 coal and 2 obsidian -> 2 diamonds
TRTweaker.addAlloySmelter(["minecraft:coal@8", "minecraft:obsidian@2"], [TweakerUtils.createItemStack("minecraft:diamond", 2)], 6, 200);
===== Assembling Machine =====
Add an assembling machine recipe that takes 3 diamonds and 2 sticks -> 1 diamond pickaxe
TRTweaker.addAssemblingMachine(["minecraft:diamond@3", "minecraft:stick@2"], [TweakerUtils.createItemStack("minecraft:diamond_pickaxe", 1)], 20, 200);
===== Blast Furnace =====
Add a blast furnace recipe that takes 64 of any item in the minecraft:coals tag -> 8 diamonds
TRTweaker.addBlastFurnace(["#minecraft:coals@64"], [TweakerUtils.createItemStack("minecraft:diamond", 8)], 128, 200, 1300);
===== Centrifuge =====
Add a centrifuge recipe that takes any potion -> a water bottle
TRTweaker.addCentrifuge(["minecraft:potion"], [TweakerUtils.getSpecialStack("minecraft:potion->minecraft:water")], 5, 1000);
===== Chemical Reactor =====
Add a chemical reactor recipe that takes a water bottle and a can of methane -> a potion of fire resistance
mods.techreborn.chemicalReactorRecipe.addRecipe(IItemStack output1, IIngredient input1, IIngredient input2, int ticktime, int euTick)
===== Compressor =====
Add a compressor recipe that takes 9 coal blocks -> 3 pieces of obsidian
TRTweaker.addCompressor(["minecraft:coal_ore@9"], [TweakerUtils.createItemStack("minecraft:coal_block", 3)], 10, 300);
===== Distillation Tower =====
Add a distillation tower recipe that takes a potion of regneration -> a strong potion of regeneration
TRTweaker.addDistillationTower(["minecraft:potion->minecraft:regeneration"], [TweakerUtils.getSpecialStack("minecraft:potion->minecraft:strong_regeneration")], 20, 400);
===== Extractor =====
Add an extractor recipe that takes 4 coal -> 1 gunpowder
TRTweaker.addExtractor(["minecraft:coal@4"], [TweakerUtils.createItemStack("minecraft:gunpowder", 1)], 10, 300);
===== Grinder =====
Add a grinder recipe of 1 sugar cane -> 3 sugar
TRTweaker.addGrinder(["minecraft:sugar_cane"], [TweakerUtils.createItemStack("minecraft:sugar", 3)], 4, 270);
===== Fusion Reactor =====
Add a fluid replicator recipe of 2 uu matter and 1 bucket of wulframium -> 2 buckets of wolframium
TRTweaker.addFluidReplicator(["techreborn:uu_matter@2"], 40, 100, "techreborn:wolframium@1000");
Add a fusion reactor recipe of 3 wither skeleton skulls and 4 soul sand -> 1 nether star
TRTweaker.addFusionReactor(["minecraft:wither_skeleton_skull@3", "minecraft:soul_sand@4"], [TweakerUtils.createItemStack("minecraft:nether_star", 1)], -2048, 1024, 90000, 1);
===== Implosion Compressor =====
Add an implosion compressor recipe of 32 coal and 16 flint -> 16 diamonds
TRTweaker.addImplosionCompressor(["minecraft:coal@32", "minecraft:flint@16"], [TweakerUtils.createItemStack("minecraft:diamond", 16)], 30, 2000);
===== Industrial Electrolyzer =====
Add an industrial electrolyzer recipe of 1 skeleton skull -> 1 wither skeleton skull
TRTweaker.addIndustrialElectrolyzer(["minecraft:skeleton_skull"], [TweakerUtils.createItemStack("minecraft:wither_skeleton_skull", 1)], 50, 1400);
===== Industrial Grinder =====
Add an industrial electrolyzer recipe of 1 sea lantern -> 5 prismarine crystals and 4 prismarine shards
TRTweaker.addIndustrialGrinder(["minecraft:sea_lantern"], [TweakerUtils.createItemStack("minecraft:prismarine_crystals", 5), TweakerUtils.createItemStack("minecraft:prismarine_shard", 4)], 64, 100);
Add an industrial electrolyzer recipe of 1 sea lantern and 1 bucket of electrolyzed water -> 9 prismarine crystals
TRTweaker.addIndustrialGrinder(["minecraft:sea_lantern"], [TweakerUtils.createItemStack("minecraft:prismarine_crystals", 9)], 64, 100, "techreborn:electrolyzed_water@1000");
===== Industrial Sawmill =====
Add an industrial sawmill recipe of 3 sugar cane -> 18 paper
TRTweaker.addIndustrialSawmill(["minecraft:sugar_cane@3"], [TweakerUtils.createItemStack("minecraft:paper", 18)], 40, 200);
Add an industrial sawmill recipe of 1 heart of the sea and 1/2 bucket of water -> 16 nautilus shells
TRTweaker.addIndustrialSawmill(["minecraft:heart_of_the_sea"], [TweakerUtils.createItemStack("minecraft:nautilus_shell", 16)], 40, 200, "minecraft:water@500");
===== Rolling Machine =====
TRTweaker.addRollingMachine([["minecraft:stick", "minecraft:oak_planks"], ["minecraft:stone", "minecraft:oak_planks"]], TweakerUtils.createItemStack("minecraft:crafting_table", 1));
Add a rolling machine recipe for sticks on the sides and any wooden slab in the middle -> six ladders
//Create a pattern/dictionary set for a shaped recipe
var pattern = [ '/ /',
'/ /'];
var dict = {
"/": "minecraft:stick",
"_": "#minecraft:wooden_slabs"
TRTweaker.addRollingMachine(pattern, dict, TweakerUtils.createItemStack("minecraft:ladder", 12));
===== Scrapbox =====
Add a scrapbox recipe of 1 scrap box -> 1 shulker box
TRTweaker.addScrapbox(TweakerUtils.createItemStack("minecraft:shulker_box", 1), 10, 20);
===== Vacuum Freezer =====
Add a scrapbox recipe of 1 cell of water -> 1 blue ice
TRTweaker.addVacuumFreezer([TRTweaker.createFluidIngredient("minecraft:water", ["techreborn:cell"], -1)], [TweakerUtils.createItemStack("minecraft:blue_ice", 1)], 60, 440);
===== Fluid Replicator =====
Add a fluid replicator recipe of 2 uu matter and 1 bucket of wulframium -> 2 buckets of wolframium
TRTweaker.addFluidReplicator(["techreborn:uu_matter@2"], 40, 100, "techreborn:wolframium@1000");
===== Fluid Generators, aka Thermal, Gas, Plasma, Semi and Diesel =====
Add a plasma fluid generator recipe for 1 mB of wolframium -> 300 EU
TRTweaker.addFluidGenerator("plasma", "techreborn:wolframium", 300);